Stage 2
- Build Strength + Become more Functional -
Once you
1) Perfected your TECHNIQUE
2) Improved ROM
3) Built a SOLID BASE
You are ready to take your training to
Narrow Squat + Front Kick
Great Hip mobility, Hamstring flexibility exercise. If performed Correctly it helps to improve Posture functionality
Also great for Strengthening the Legs, Core (Abdominals, Gluteus, Hamstrings Back) muscles.
Squat to Plank to Cobra
Great Mobility and Flexibility exercise
Helps to improve function of the whole Posture and all of the joints
Great for strengthening Core, Arms, Legs.
Wide (Sumo) Squat + Side Kick
Great exercise to improve Hip mobility, Adductor flexibility, Posture functionality
Also great to improve Legs, Core strength..
Wide Squat to Push up to Cobra
Great Mobility and Flexibility exercise
Helps to improve function of the whole Posture and all of the joints
Great for strengthening Core, Arms, Legs
Back Lunge + Leg Swing + Thoracic mobility
An other great Hip, Thoracic spine, Ankle mobility, Hamstring flexibility exercise which leads to Posture improvement
Also great Legs (Quads, Adductors, calves,, Core (Abs, Gluteus, Hip flexors...) strengthening exercise.
Down Facing Dog to Hip to Hamstring stretch
Great Hip Thoracic spine Ankle, Wrist mobility and Hamstring Flexibility exercise