Stage 2

- Build Strength + Become more Functional -

Once you

1) Perfected your TECHNIQUE

2) Improved ROM

3) Built a SOLID BASE

You are ready to take your training to


Narrow Squat + Front Kick

  • Great Hip mobility, Hamstring flexibility exercise. If performed Correctly it helps to improve Posture functionality

  • Also great for Strengthening the Legs, Core (Abdominals, Gluteus, Hamstrings Back) muscles.

Squat to Plank to Cobra

  • Great Mobility and Flexibility exercise

  • Helps to improve function of the whole Posture and all of the joints

  • Great for strengthening Core, Arms, Legs.

Wide (Sumo) Squat + Side Kick

  • Great exercise to improve Hip mobility, Adductor flexibility, Posture functionality

  • Also great to improve Legs, Core strength..

Wide Squat to Push up to Cobra

  • Great Mobility and Flexibility exercise

  • Helps to improve function of the whole Posture and all of the joints

  • Great for strengthening Core, Arms, Legs

Back Lunge + Leg Swing + Thoracic mobility

  • An other great Hip, Thoracic spine, Ankle mobility, Hamstring flexibility exercise which leads to Posture improvement

  • Also great Legs (Quads, Adductors, calves,, Core (Abs, Gluteus, Hip flexors...) strengthening exercise.

Down Facing Dog to Hip to Hamstring stretch

  • Great Hip Thoracic spine Ankle, Wrist mobility and Hamstring Flexibility exercise